Monday, June 14, 2010

People Hold On  

I feel bad about this one, as all my investigations into Earl Flint came up with nothing, dead ends, just a facebook profile for an gentleman around the right age, with the same name, living in the US somewhere, with a very aging soul brother look about him. Maybe its him, but he didn't respond to my friend request, so who knows. Either way, I know nothing about Earl Flint, and in typical BeatElectric journalistic fashion I was just going to make something up, but a Sunday spent drinking in the sunshine has sapped the imagination out of me and I can't think up a suitable web of lies to fabricate regarding the record's background, nothing good Earl Flint is from space, he landed in my yard and gifted this, the only known minty copy of People Hold On, upon me. Everyone else who claims to have a copy is a liar. No?

The production on this one is class through and through, dating from 1984 on CBS records, it has a short rap refrain on the vocal, as was standard it seems that year, but the electro funk mid temp instrumental is tastefully done:

Posted by Black Shag | 4 comments

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4 comments: to “ People Hold On

  • June 14, 2010 at 2:10 PM  

    ...Shag, you always crack me up, thank you for that! One notable factoid about this one: it was produced by James Mason, same cat that released the jazz-funk classic "Rhythm of Life" back in 1977. Smokin track dude; keep up the good work!

  • July 27, 2010 at 5:29 AM  

    Wicked. Pretty sure thats a TB303 bubbling away there in the background...Instrumental is mindblowing!!!

  • August 17, 2010 at 3:14 AM  

    THX from Germany, I love the second version, I sold the 12" and I'm looking long for this!!!!!

  • October 17, 2010 at 9:39 AM  

    Great track no question. I don't have the record so is there any way you can send me lossless version of the instrumental version? Great blog.