I managed to drag myself out of bed this morning and ride my bike over to the other side of golden gate park for the KUSF record swap benefit. The sun was out and I had a little bread to spend, so I thought I would head over and scope it out, its all for a good cause and helps keep KUSF on the air, which in turn helps me mentally as when your stuck in the city with only an FM radio for entertainment there is only really whatever the nerd uni students are playing on KUSF or if your lucky the 'club classics' DJ might be spinning on meth head energy 92 whatever FM (but usually he isn't spinning, its some meth amphetamine abusing trance DJ). But anyway..
As per usual the popular myth of the deep pocketed black music record collector was blown away by their little known, less sexy counterpart, the aging, now middle aged and super wealthy, punk 45 collector. These guys spend serious scrilla on those angry sounding little records, without even a second thought or briefest attempt at negotiation. It was something to behold. I on the other hand, struck out for the most part, stupidly beguiled by the Achilles heal of many a disco hoarder, the 'still sealed' 'private press' 12" single. I have to remind myself sometimes that the reason that nobody has heard of some of these independent releases, and the reason they are still sealed, is not because of their rarity, its more often than not because they are shit.
I did pick up a few good ones though, and here are my favorites from today's stack. A proto house jam from Brian & Zan on sounds of new york records, a sick French disco funk classic from the strangely named Crystal Grass, and the instrumental flip of the Skyy hit Bad Boy.
Brian & Zan - Pump your Body
Crystal Grass - Crystal World
Skyy - Bad Boy (instrumental)