Well, I'm abbreviating this artist to P.F.A, as although this is the B side dub of an early work that came out on the Clinton owned Hump Records imprint in 1983, I would imagine some monster corp has long since bought up the rights somewhere down the line, and the major labels have sort of been riding BeatElectric's nuts in recent months. Hassling us, getting the man on our case and getting posts taken down etc for music we never knew they even owned, so I'm obfuscating the artist name in an attempt at playing it safe. The ID3 tags are still correct so its probably a lost cause anyway. Why won't they just let us give their weird funk music away for free, in high fidelity, with incorrect credits and poorly researched hearsay at best or made up at worst journalism, in peace? Greedy fat cats.
Hydraulic Pump Part III is a trippy electro disco dub version found on the flip of psych funk dancefloor winner Hydraulic Pump, popular with Ron Hardy and other midwestern selectors of the era. There is a part II on the A side too, but I can't remember what that sounds like, I think its a vocal reprise of some kind. When I hear it I feel it could be a modern trendy UK radio hit from a few years ago, something about that vocal line and the rolling synthy bass, reminds me of a popular current day act whose name escapes me, not because I'm too cool to know any current day pop acts or anything, but because I deteriorated that part of my brain, its gone forever and I'm too proud to use google.
P.F.A - Hydraulic Pump Part III