Friday, July 04, 2008

God Bless American Men  

Happy America Day!

This might be one of the most fitting cuts in my record collection for today's holiday besides the sound effects records featuring recordings of fireworks (which isn't very well suited for this blog). It is also evidence there was a time when The US of A was looked upon more fondly by other nations. This track comes from our northern neighbors, Canada, who just had their analog to our Independence Day on the 1st, a few days ago...Happy Canada Day too!

Canada is the home of much darn tootin' good disco acts such as Lime and Gino Soccio. Heck, there was even a campy disco musical called The Apple which detailed the evils of the music industry. Quebec based Unidisc and Uniwave released loads of endemic acts as well as licensed international dance music in the late 70's and early 80's, enabling dance music to flourish in the cold temperatures. Tojo Productions was smaller Canadian label which started a few years later and whose material wasn't quite as strong. However, a couple gems did arise on the imprint. I'm not sure if this this track could be considered one but given the theme, it was my choice for today. The fact it is supple with sonic lasers and its off kilter charm has endeared it to me.

The production duo was also responsible for Nightlife Unlimited who gave us Disco Choo Choo in 1979. Later, in 1983, armed with more synth lasers and under the Ladies Choice moniker, Gino D' Orazio and Tony Bentivegna (hey wait, those names sound as Italian as Gino Soccio!) gave us American Man. It was also released on Ram's Horn a bit later.

It's one of those Tojo 12"s that has the exact same track on both sides so I took the liberty to construct an instrumental of my own, especially since the vocals are my least favorite element.

Posted by safetyscissors | 1 comments

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      1 comments: to “ God Bless American Men

      • July 8, 2008 at 12:44 PM  

        Great track with killer lazers. Great job on the edit! The keyboards in the track remind me of "Face It" by Master C & J.